Upcoming Rehabilitation CEU Courses and Seminars
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Advances in Clinical Education courses are appropriate for all health care providers involved in the management of orthopedic pathology across the lifespan. It is assumed that the participant will have a general familiarity with the topic area in order to focus upon increased understanding and application of the material. In addition, individuals working with prevention and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle with find the information being presented in each course invaluable. Our goal is provide an overall learning experience to expand on new techniques and advancements in rehabilitation, sports medicine, and functional exercises that meets or exceeded all recommended continuing education guidelines.
In Depth Rehab Courses
Our continuing education courses and sports medicine seminars are designed to refine your skills and help you the clinician to learn new techniques in order to provide your patients with the best care possible. Our one, two, and four day CEU courses are designed to both standardize practices of functional movement, while integrating practical scientific methods of orthopedic and sports medicine.
Choose course locations and dates below. Check back regularly for new dates and locations for all of our continuing education courses.
Foundation to Function
SFMA course info: Description | Objectives | Outline
SFMA Certification Courses
Selective Functional Movement Assessment
16 Hours, 1.6 CEU’s Tuition: $945.00
A two day SFMA course designed to provide a standardized system for identifying impaired patterns of functional movement in patients that are often treated for musculoskeletal conditions.
Scrape, Tape & Move: Foundation to Function Course Info: Description | Objectives | Outline
16 Hours, 1.6 CEU’s Tuition: $645.00
Using impairment based interventions to maximize the human movement system.