The Warwick Agreement

The Warwick Agreement on femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAI syndrome): an international consensus statement.
Griffin DR, Dickenson EJ, O’Donnell J, Agricola R, Awan T, Beck M, Clohisy JC, Dijkstra HP, Falvey E, Gimpel M, Hinman RS, Hölmich P, Kassarjian A, Martin HD, Martin R, Mather RC, Philippon MJ, Reiman MP, Takla A, Thorborg K, Walker S, Weir A, Bennell KL.
Br J Sports Med. 2016 Oct;50(19):1169-1176. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096743.
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The document provides recommended terminology and addresses
The 2016 Warwick Agreement on femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) syndrome was convened to build an international, multidisciplinary consensus on the diagnosis and management of patients with FAI syndrome. A panel of international experts was convened to participate in a 1-day consensus meeting. At the 1-day consensus meeting, panel members developed statements in response to keys questions: 1) What is FAI syndrome? 2) How should FAI syndrome be diagnosed? 3) What is the appropriate treatment of FAI syndrome?, 4) What is the prognosis of FAI syndrome, 4) How should someone with asymptomatic hip with cam or pincer morphology be managed? 5) Which outcome measure should be used to assess treatment for FAI syndrome? 6) What future research needs to be conducted? The 2016 Warwick Agreement on FAI syndrome is an international multidisciplinary agreement on the diagnosis, treatment principles and key terminology relating to FAI syndrome.