Source vs. Cause – Why do Our Patients Hurt?

How to Efficiently Evaluate Movement Dysfunction
Do you ever get frustrated with your patients who just can’t quite get to 100%? Do you cringe when you see a script for multiple diagnoses? When was the last time you felt 100% confident that your athletes would return to sports without difficulty following a surgical intervention?
The job of a Physical Therapist is no easy task. Orthopedic and Sports PT’s should be the best resource to patients for musculoskeletal health. Unfortunately due to the ever-changing healthcare system, reimbursement seems to drop while the hours in the day stay the same, leaving us feeling the need to cram more patients onto the schedule and spend less one-on-one time with those patients.
For most of us this is an upsetting problem, as we know that the time we spend with our patients evaluating, treating and educating is extremely valuable. We tend to feel guilty that we have been pressured into denying this to our patients. I know there are some therapists that probably don’t see this as an issue but those people likely stopped reading this at the title.
Rehab and Re-Injury
Orthopedic and Sports PT’s can speak to an additional frustration in the frequency of re-injury. All you have to do is watch a day of Sports Center and you will hear about an athlete who is injured for a second or third time. Are we as rehabilitation professionals truly doing our jobs to their full potential? Are we able to identify the reason why an athlete suffered a non-traumatic injury in the first place? More importantly, can we prevent it from happening again? These are all valid questions.
So what can be done? There is no shortage of hyped up techniques and products offering to solve all of your patients’ problems. Everything from the latest modalities, expensive instruments for soft tissue work or motion analysis, videos demonstrating rehab techniques, and endless continuing education courses. It’s no wonder that most therapists are truly confused about what works and what doesn’t.
SFMA Game Changer
Because so many clinicians are trying to find a solution to the demands of evaluation, treatment, documentation, and oh…wait…you want a personal life also? The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is a game changer when it comes to the evaluation and treatment planning for musculoskeletal conditions. By assessing people through fundamental movement patterns essential to daily life as well as sport related activity, clinicians are able to quickly identify not only the SOURCE of the patient’s pain, but more importantly the CAUSE of the dysfunction. By establishing a whole body approach to treatment you will get your patients better faster and for the long term. No more quick fixes, just satisfied customers sending all of their friends and family your way!
Advances in Clinical Education is a provider of the SFMA Certification Course taught by SFMA co-founder and one of the lead SFMA instructors Dr. Michael Voight. Throughout a lifelong career in sports medicine including professional and Olympic level sports Dr. Voight and his colleagues began to realize that the traditional isolated approach would not restore complete function.
What makes this a game changer for so many clinicians is the reach. No matter if you are a new grad or in practice for 20 years, you will learn a new perspective and walk away with a tool that will forever change the way you look at your patients.
The SFMA will help you to:
- Evaluate movement more effectively and efficiently
- Provide relief to your patients quickly
- Create a well rounded treatment plan
- Make long standing, life changing improvements for your patients
- Be more efficient and therefore more profitable
There is no shortage of choices when it comes to the continuing education market today. Many courses may be less demanding of your time, less expensive, or less challenging, but you would be hard pressed to find one that will change your practice the way the SFMA will.
Advances in Clinical Education provides you with a two day seminar (lecture and lab) style course that will cover all of the SFMA evaluation principles and concepts as well as treatment techniques and progressions to begin using the system first thing Monday morning.
If you’re tired of fighting a losing battle in the clinic and need a fresh perspective on the career you love, Advances in Clinical Education is here for you!