Gray Cook
- Owner / Gray Cook PT, PC Specializing in Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Conditioning, Chatham, VA
- Co-Owner Functionalmovement.com Developers of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Consulting and Educational Services
- Instructor for North American Sports Medicine Institute SFMA Course
- Sports Medicine Consultant / Strength and Conditioning Indianapolis Colts
- Perform Better Presenter and Lecturer
- Titleist Performance Institute Instructor Level 1 – 3 Fitness Professional and Medical Curriculums
Gray Cook is practicing physical therapist, a orthopedic certified specialist, a certified strength and conditioning specialist and an RKC kettlebell instructor. He is the founder of Functional Movement Systems, a company that promotes the concept of movement pattern screening and assessment. His work and ideas are at the forefront of fitness, conditioning, injury prevention and rehabilitation. You’ll find him lecturing on these topics several weekends each month, worldwide. His career started with an undergraduate degree in sports medicine and exercise science, with minors in athletic training and psychology. His interest took him to the University of Miami, where he studied physical therapy and furthered his strength and conditioning development.
Gray has introduced a systems approach to understanding, training and rehabilitating movement. He contends that we must map movement patterns and consider movement as a behavior and not simply as clean mechanical data. We must also develop better understanding of how movement is learned, maintained and restored. Gray’s work cuts to the core of problems like low back pain, obesity and the general physical decline of a modern culture. By revisiting the natural developmental principals that all infants employ as they learn to walk, run and climb, Gray forces us the rethink motor learning, corrective exercise and modern conditioning practices.
- Master of Science in Physical Therapy
- Clinical and Research Concentration: Sports / Orthopedics,
- University of Miami School of Medicine
- Department of Orthopedics, Program in Graduate Physical Therapy
- Coral Gables FL
- May 1988-December 1990
- Graduate Study – Research in Exercise Physiology and Kinesiology
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- Richmond, VA
- Summer 1987 and 1989
- B.S. Degree Sports Medicine, Minor in Athletic Training and Exercise Science
- Pfeiffer College
- Misenheimer, NC
- August 1984-May 1988
Professional Status
- Licensed Physical Therapist
- Board of Medicine, State of Virginia
- Licensed Physical Therapist
- Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, State of North Carolina
- Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy
- American Physical Therapy Association
- Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
- National Strength & Conditioning Association
- Level I Olympic Style Weightlifting Coach
- United States Weightlifting Federation
- Certified by Examination
- North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy
- Russian Kettlebell Challenge (RKC)
- Certified Instructor
- Editorial Board
- Training and Conditioning Magazine
- Health and Fitness Advisory Board
- Titleist Performance Institute
- Advisory Board
- Perform Better – The Magazine
Professional Appointments
- Director of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy/Dunn, Cook and Associates
- Danville VA – September 1995-2006
- Creative Director/Reebok Reactive Neuromuscular Training – Reebok University
- Stoughton MA – September 1997-2002
- Reebok Master Trainer (Strength and Conditioning Specialist) – Reebok University
- Stoughton MA – September 1997-2002
- Clinical Director/Orthopedic Physical Therapist, Strength & Conditioning Specialist
- Stewart Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Clinics
- Salisbury NC – June 1993-August 1995
- Senior Physical Therapist/Supervisor of Medical Exercise, Work Hardening & Sports
- Hughes Physical Therapy Clinic
- Decatur IL – February 1992-May 1993
- Orthopedic Physical Therapist
- United Samaritans Medical Center
- Danville IL – January 1991-February 1992