Co-Sponsorship Program
Continuing Education Brought Directly to Your Organization
Thank you for your interest in co-sponsoring one or more of our courses. Co-Sponsoring a course is a great way to utilize your continuing education dollars and bring highly sought after courses to your employees and local area. We offer courses throughout the United States in the areas of Sports Medicine, and Orthopaedics, including the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) Certification course. Each course we offer is part of a series of courses in conjunction with the University of St. Augustine leading up to Certification of Competency in Sports Physical Therapy.
We typically offer our courses at hotels that are conveniently located, with professional conference facilities. We are always interested in partnering with alternative settings provided they are comparable and perhaps offer other advantages to participants such as free parking and geographical convenience.
Co-sponsorship is a great way for companies both large and small to educate multiple clinicians within their system at a discounted rate. The co-sponsor should be willing to play an active roll in the success of the seminar and fully understand their obligations as the co-sponsor. In order to help us both achieve a successful outcome we have assembled the following information regarding co-sponsoring a course.
In return for active and successful co-sponsorship, one free course registration will be provided for every 10 paid registrations. We will keep you informed of the number of free registrations during the registration process. Should we have any last minute cancellations, your number of agreed free registration will not be affected. In addition we will discount the tuition 10% for any additional participants employed by the co-sponsoring facility to be approved / verified by the coordinator.
- NASMI will collect all fees, course registrations and send confirmation letters.
- NASMI will generate a course roster, sign in sheet and certificates of completion.
- NASMI will provide each participant with all course materials.
- NASMI will assume all direct expenses related to Speakers including meals, travel, transportation, and lodging.
- NASMI will be responsible for advertising the seminar along with our other locations on our website as well as all social media platforms.
The course location should be convenient to public transportation, restaurants and a few hotels. Geographical areas with a sufficient population base of professionals in larger metropolitan areas are preferred. A hospital located in a rural area is typically not well attended.
The space where the course will be held must be of adequate size. We recommend 1500 to 2000 square feet and clear of posts that would obstruct the view of the screen. We want the space to be comfortable and have room for lab sessions. There should be no interference from public address systems, such as hospital paging.
The host facility must provide for seating classroom style. (2 people to a 6 foot conference table) These tables can be used for lab demonstrations. If a lecture auditorium is used, an additional break-out area is needed outside the classroom.
An LCD projector for power point presentations and an 8 foot or larger professional screen.
Arrangements should be made to offer a continental breakfast with beverages prior to the course each morning and a break with snacks and beverages in the afternoon. How much or how little is up to you.
NASMI will produce a brochure for direct mail. NASMI will make arrangements to obtain mailing lists and mail out brochures to your state and any bordering state using selected zip codes within a reasonable driving distance. The co-sponsor should place an advertisement in the State Chapter Newsletter. We also strongly recommend phone calls to hospital departments and colleagues.
NASMI reserves the right to cancel any co-sponsored course two weeks prior to the start of the course if there are less than 20 paid registrants.
If you have any additional questions or would like to further discuss the possibility of co-sponsoring a course call our office 503-642-4432.
Download the printable version of the Co-Sponsorship Application Form